Yoga with Babies nurtures both parent and baby with healthful movements, breathing practices and relaxation
Yoga adapted for babies provides a delightful way to give babies the variety and amount of movement and touch on which they thrive.
Yoga selected or adapted for parents to do whilst caring for their babies enables you, even as a busy parent, to give yourself the benefits of yoga, so invaluable in life with babies.
My classes offer a friendly, relaxed environment in which to learn and share yoga with other parents and babies
We work around how babies are just as you do in your day to day lives. You are welcome to feed, change or otherwise attend to your baby’s needs during the class.
Yoga mats, pillows and blankets are available to make you and your baby comfortable.
All non mobile baby classes include time after the yoga to ask questions and chat with other parents over refreshments – a lovely range of teas and biscuits – which are included.
nowhere else..allowed me to feel like I was doing an alright job [as a Mum] quite as much as your classes Andrea ~ Magali, mother of 4 yo M and 2 yo Z, and midwife
Unsettled babies and exhausted parents are especially welcome!
If your baby is colicky, teething, generally unsettled or whatever, we have movements that may help.
You may well be exhausted or you may have tight shoulders from holding, carrying and nourishing your wee one. We have yoga practices to help with all of this.
Bringing twins? – I can work with one and we can change as needed
I am happy to work with one twin whilst you are with the other. We can swap over as suits the babies’ needs.
We develop a range of practices over the weeks
As you learn, you can gradually incorporate the fun and nourishment of yoga into day to day life with your baby/ies.
I offer classes for different stages of parent and babyhood
Even newborns can benefit from gentle baby yoga and new parents enjoy the confidence in handling their babies.
The classes change pace and movements to suit the nature of each stage. And, on request from parents, I have classes with mobile babies too, including a weekend class.
Find more about Postnatal Yoga with Babies to around 5 months here
Find more about Yoga with Babies from around 5 months to mobile here