Sleep Recovery 1:1 Offer and New 1:1 Training

Until the end of 2022, I am offering One to One Sleep Recovery for the same price as my Hatha Yoga one to one sessions!

See my Sleep Recovery Pages for more information and do get in touch if you would like to find out more about how this could help you.

Over the last few years, I have been assisting Lisa Sanfilippo on her Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery™ Teacher Training courses and I am delighted to be assisting on her new course for working with individuals on a 1:1 basis in Sleep Recovery.  There are many reasons why people benefit from working in this way and I am looking forward to helping more teachers have the skills to do this.   

If you are a yoga therapist or teacher with substantial one to one teaching experience, or if you are a counsellor or therapist including those from medical professions in general and/or mental health and wish to use Sleep Recovery in your existing work with individuals, then this course could be for you. 

More information and dates will be available soon.
