Yoga for Sleep Recovery

Would you like to sleep better?

Perhaps a lot better?  Perhaps you wake in the night and, unable to get back to sleep, you spend hours with thoughts all over the place, or simply twiddling your mental thumbs, wishing you could sleep instead?  Or perhaps you find your head’s buzzing the moment your light’s out.  And oh, to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy your day!

You may have done yoga before or you may be approaching yoga for the first time in the hope of finding some way towards better sleep.

Or you may have lots of yoga experience… perhaps you’re even a yoga teacher, successfully helping many others through yoga, yet wondering why you still have sleep issues….

This was the case for me when, even after practising yoga for 35 years & teaching for nearly 20 years, I found myself experiencing sleep issues I couldn’t resolve.  I had done a Yoga Nidra Teaching course and found Yoga Nidra invaluable in many ways, and still do.  It helped enormously in buffering my lack of sleep but for me, however, it wasn’t enough.  So, when I chanced across Lisa Sanfilippo’s* training course, then with The Minded Institute, I knew had to do it, for myself and for my students who, more and more, were mentioning problems sleeping.

I found in Lisa’s work, an integrated approach, couched in the relatively new science of sleep.  So, not only was there a comprehensive range of yoga tools but also guidance on which practices to use when to best effect for different sleep issues and, indeed, for different sorts of people.

So, yes, you’ll find, in this approach a lovely sequence of movements to do at bedtime; but for some people, this may not be enough to solve sometimes deep seated sleep issues. 

Or the movements may help for a while, yet not shift the problems in the longer term.

For some of us, a more comprehensive and individual approach is needed, involving different sorts of yoga practices – some movements, some breathing practices, with perhaps some meditation and/ or restorative practices – with an understanding of how they work with the nature of sleep at different times in our lives.  If you are one of these people, you might find you relate to the idea of using these resources, along with your own expertise on yourself, to

…. learn to craft

……….. your own sleep recovery pathway.

*My Yoga for Sleep work brings together tried and tested methods from the work of yoga for insomnia expert & sleep recovery pioneer, Lisa Sanfilippo, who has been researching and developing this work for over 20 years and continues to do so.  Lisa is the author of the work Sleep Recovery™ and of the books Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery (Singing Dragon 2019) and Sleep Recovery (Bloomsbury, 2020).

What is Sleep Recovery?

Sleep Recovery™ is the name of Lisa Sanfilippo’s work on helping people recover their ability to sleep. It is a holistic approach, which takes account of all the different aspects of a person, the physical, energic, cognitive, emotional and even spiritual or core essence of a person; also appreciating that our needs and issues may be different at differing life stages and circumstances, and may vary according to people’s temperament and nature.

Lisa Sanfilippos’s approach draws on yoga philosophy and the panoply of tools yoga offers, as well as perspectives from her work as a practising psychotherapist. All this is couched in the relatively new science of sleep and is updated ongoingly as more research becomes available.

Yoga for Sleep Offerings

I offer different options for exploring yoga for sleep: courses, workshops and individual Yoga Therapy for Sleep Recovery sessions.


**** I am planning my next Sleep Recovery 5 week courses for 2024 – do get in touch if interested as I may be able to take availability of early enquirers into account when arranging dates and times. ****

Please get in touch to register interest, by telephone ~ 0131 229 9035 or contact me by email here.

Individual Yoga Therapy for Sleep Recovery

One to one sessions in Sleep Recovery allow us to focus on your particular sleep issues in the context of your life and give you personalised support in your sleep recovery journey.

With individual sessions you can also work on your sleep recovery to your own timing, arranging sessions at times that work for you, rescheduling as needed, and without having to wait until the next course or workshop is arranged.

For more details, see the One to One Sleep Recovery Sessions page and do get in touch with your questions or to arrange a chat on ~ 0131 229 9035 or contact me by email here.

Yoga for Sleep Workshops

Yoga for Sleep workshops can be of different lengths, from one hour pop up workshops to a half or full day in duration.  All offer experiential content as well as elements of the science of sleep and an exploration of ways in which yoga can help sleep.

For more details, see Sleep Recovery Workshops and do get in touch with me with your questions or to have a workshop arranged in your area or studio ~ 0131 229 9035 or contact me by email.

Yoga for Sleep Courses

Yoga for Sleep courses, spread as they are over a number of weeks, offer a format that is more gradual, allowing both consolidation & progression, session by session.  Courses focus more on the particular issues of the participants than do workshops, and the regular meetings offer more support and encouragement in putting the ideas into practice.

Courses are often set up in response to interest; a day, time & venue are then set to suit would be participants.  Please get in touch if this is of interest or to find if a course is in the offing.

*** Live Online courses ***

Live online courses are now on offer, so please get in touch if this might be of interest so I can take your availability into account, by emailing me here.

For more information on courses, see Sleep Recovery, Courses


The costs for a workshop or course may vary depending on location & numbers of students.  Please ask for details.

* Where someone’s finances make my standard prices not workable, whether or not any of the usual concessionary categories apply, I ask for a payment that would be workable, with no question or proof needed.

** For courses & individual sessions, I offer a discount of 20% to anyone who has been on one of my previous workshops or courses on Yoga for Sleep, to make it easier to have a refresher of the material, or to work with different issues arising at different times.

This discount would apply to both standard & reduced rates.

More Information/Booking

For more information & booking, please email me or call 0131 229 9035